
When I first created this page, it was to give you updates on a novel I was working on.
The opening of that novel can now be found online, published in this month’s issue of Lit Angels,  a Los Angeles literary journal.
Check it out there, through August 14th. (Costs $5 to subscribe, or shoot me an email if you want access to the PDF version.)

5 Ways In to Character: bringing intimate humanity to the page, stage, screen and easel

…a spiral bound workbook for writers, actors, and artists of all kinds…designed to deliver the technique and be a hands-on workbook, with plenty of room to take notes…so you can apply the Ways to the work you are creating right now…have it at your side and use it while you work.

I intend it to be your creative companion.

The next 5 Ways In online class series at Book Passage will be scheduled soon. Stay tuned. I’d love to see you in class!

For more info on the book, go to:

Author photo by Lauren English